Espresso Drinks

Salted Caramel Latte
Café latte made with salted caramel
Espresso $1.99Fair trade organic Peace Coffee espresso beans
Americano $1.99Hot water and espresso
Depth Charge $2.99/$3.49Drip coffee with espresso
Cappuccino $2.99/$3.49Espresso, very light steamed milk, and foamed milk
Café Latte $2.99/$3.49Espresso and steamed milk
Café Breve $3.49/$3.99Espresso and steamed half & half
Café Mocha $3.49/$3.99Espresso with steamed milk and dark chocolate syrup
Café Miel $3.49/$3.99Café latte made with cinnamon, nutmeg and honey