Why Shop the Co-op Plant Sale

Edible Landscaping — We carry a great selection of tasty, productive, and beautiful vegetables and herbs—red African Eggplant, Dazzling Blue Kale, Fennel, sage, many basils, sweet potato, Jimmy Nardello, Purple Jalapenos and Aleppo peppers, and nasturtium, to name a few. Vegetables can be just as much at home in a perennial garden as in a vegetable garden.

Succession planting – What is it? Staggered plantings throughout the summer and fall of shorter season vegetables to increase overall yield in the garden. Examples of easy shorter season crops would be radishes, beans, lettuces, and greens.  Here is an idea: buy a 4 or 6 pack of lettuce, kale or other greens and a package of similar seed.  Plant them at the same time and have a continuous harvest all summer long!

Pepper Collection – our pepper collection is one of the best in the Twin Cities!  69 different varieties of hot, mild, and sweet peppers.  Nearly a third of them (18) of them grown especially for the Mississippi Market Plant sale.