Image for It’s CSA Time

You still have time to buy your summer farm share. Most summer shares start mid-June making this the perfect time to invest. We proudly support local farms using the community-supported agriculture (CSA) model by offering our stores as drop-sites. Participants in CSA Farm Share pay farms directly and must register and pre-pay. You can learn more about the farms we support and how to register for their CSAs at the links below.

Photo of Dream of Wild Health Indigenous Food Share

What is a CSA?

A CSA, or Community Supported Agriculture, is a system where consumers directly support local farmers by purchasing shares or memberships in a farm’s harvest. Typically, purchasers will pay at the beginning of the growing season for a share of the farm’s produce, which they receive regularly throughout the season. This model fosters a closer connection between eaters and the source of their food, promotes sustainable farming practices, and ensures farmers receive fair compensation for their work. CSAs often offer a diverse array of seasonal fruits, vegetables, herbs, and sometimes other products like eggs, meat, or dairy, depending on the farm’s offerings and focus.

Photo from Jubilee Family Run Farm

CSA Farms and Pickup Location

East 7th Location

Featherstone Farm CSA Example

West 7th Location