Wild ramps, also known as wild leeks, are a popular spring edible with a devoted following. Allium tricoccum, a member of the onion family, is a North American species found across eastern Canada and the eastern United States. It is often confused with Allium ursinum, native to Europe and Asia. Ramps typically grow in wooded areas with damp ground.

Due to their rising popularity, some areas are experiencing overharvesting of ramps, prompting the need for careful and selective harvesting to ensure sustainability. Harvesters are advised to leave bulbs in the ground and take only 1-2 leaves to allow the ramp plant to mature and reproduce.

Cleaning whole wild leeks is similar to cleaning other fresh bulbs like onions or shallots. Rinse off dirt with a garden hose using strong water pressure, then trim roots and give a final rinse in the sink. To clean ramp leaves, treat them like other greens such as spinach or kale: rinse in cool water and spin dry in a salad spinner.

Ramps can be enjoyed raw or cooked, with the largest bulbs offering the most pungent flavor.