A friendly reminder to all LIME member-owners: Please renew your eligibility in the program between Jan. 15 and Feb. 12, 2025, to ensure uninterrupted discounts. To renew your LIME eligibility, please bring a photo ID along with your income-based financial assistance program card or letter to the co-op during this period.
For questions, please see below or ask your cashier what documentation is needed to complete the renewal process.
What is LIME?
The Limited Income Membership Entry (LIME) program reduces barriers to co-op membership for customers enrolled in financial assistance programs. Mississippi Market’s LIME program creates equitable opportunities to enjoy local and sustainable foods on a limited income. Everyone has a right to nutritious food and we strive to manifest these values in our work as a community-owned natural foods grocery store.
Over 10% of Minnesotans are food insecure, or do not have reliable access to enough nutritious food. Through our LIME program, we actively reach out to those in our community facing barriers to healthful food access.
LIME Renewal FAQs
Why do I have to renew my LIME discount?
Circumstances change and we don’t want to assume that you’ll always be in need of financial assistance. We want to ensure we’re reaching those most in need.
Which financial assistance programs qualify someone for LIME?
Qualifying programs include SNAP/EBT, WIC, Social Security Disability, Veteran Disability, Supplemental Security Income, Section 8 housing, Refugee Cash Assistance, Medical Assistance, and General Assistance.
Is my LIME membership payment plan changing?
No. Once you sign up for a LIME membership, we’ll continue making payments on it from the “earned” cash portion of your patronage dividends until you reach the full $90 membership equity level. Renewing your eligibility does not change your payment plan.
If you no longer qualify for the LIME discount, you do not need to pay any more to keep your membership, your discount will be removed and you will remain an owner of the co-op.
Can’t you store my proof of eligibility so that I don’t have to renew?
We take confidentiality seriously and do not want to store any documents that contain social security numbers or income.
I’ve lost my proof of income-based financial assistance. Can I still renew?
Unfortunately, we require proof of enrollment in an income-based financial assistance program to be a part of the LIME program. This documentation is the only way we’re able to verify eligibility. If you’ve lost documentation, please contact the agency you receive benefits through to request a new proof-of-enrollment letter or card verifying your participation.
Please send any additional LIME renewal questions to info@msmarket.coop and we will respond in a timely manner.