October is National Co-op Month, a time for cooperative businesses to educate others about their shared principles and celebrate how they build and grow communities. Did you know Minnesota has one of the highest numbers of grocery cooperatives per capita in the U.S.? Minnesota was also the first state to declare an official Co-op Month proclamation in 1948. Since 1964, National Co-op Month has been celebrated annually during the month of October. This year, we are proud to join with nearly 150 food co-ops throughout the country to celebrate the fact that many cooperative companies, suppliers, manufacturers, and farmers are growing strong, resilient communities. Co-ops offer a way to transform how business is conducted by providing an opportunity to get the products and services you need while simultaneously strengthening our community. Together, with your assistance, we are able to make a world of change!

Mississippi Market proudly contributes to a thriving local food economy and supports environmentally, socially, and economically sustainable agriculture practices through direct connection to our suppliers. As a cooperatively owned and operated business, Mississippi Market is controlled by over 19,000 people for the collective benefit of our members, staff, and the farmers and producers with whom we work. We operate not solely for economic reasons, but are also inclusive of social and environmental values. Mississippi Market’s mission is to create positive change in our community by influencing the production, distribution, and enjoyment of food. When you choose to purchase products from co-op farmers and producers, that communal impact grows exponentially!

Thank you for your commitment to values-based community building and for supporting our cooperative business. Happy Co-op Month!