Image for How to Attract Pollinators to Your Garden

Who are the pollinators?

Native bees and honeybees, butterflies and moths, flies, wasps, beetles and hummingbirds.

Things to think about when planning your garden

  • Native plant species are most attractive to pollinators. If you have a choice between a cultivar and a native variety, choose the native variety. The food and habitat they provide will always be better suited to the native pollinators’ needs.
  • Choose a mix of shrubs and flowers with a variety of colors.
  • Plants that will provide consecutive blooming throughout the growing season are optimal.
  • Plant in clusters to provide a mass of color to attract pollinators.
  • Plant host species — plants that will host the life cycle as well as plants that will provide food. For example, the Lupin is both a host and a nectar plant for the endangered Blue Kerner Butterfly. Swamp and Common Milkweed are a host plant for the Monarch, and Liatris is a favorite food source.
  • Pollinators love the warmth of the sun, and most of the flowering natives that attract them are also sun-loving.
  • Do not clean up your gardens in the fall — fallen leaves and plant stalks provide nesting material and winter shelter. Don’t clean up your garden in the spring until it is consistently 50°F, to give the pollinators a chance to come out of hibernation.

Pollinator-friendly plants at the co-op