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recipe_page_title: Appetizer

Cajun Butter Steak Bites

Image for Cajun Butter Steak Bites

Discover the Secret of Teres Major Beef Steak If you’re a fan of hanger steak, flat irons, bavette, and other “butcher steaks,” then you’re going to love the teres major beef steak, also known as the oyster steak. Once a chef’s secret, this underused cut of beef is a fantastic…

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Marinated Lentil Salad

Image for Marinated Lentil Salad

You’ll notice that this is a ‘cook by feel’ recipe. It is highly customizable and includes measures like ‘fistful’ and ‘sprinkle’. Start with less and add more. Taste as you prepare to see if you’d like to adjust the different elements. This freedom to customize and use different amounts allows…

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